
Slice and Dice Game Review – Android

Slice and Dice is a Rogue-like RPG that borrows many elements from classic RPGs like Dungeons and Dragon but puts a twist on the dice-based mechanics.

slice and dice

Technically, this game is more of a rogue-like dungeon crawler and just uses the RPG tropes as a vehicle to show the developers’ unique take on dungeon crawlers and rogue-like. The main way to play the game is through dice. Each side/face of a die has a specific move that your character can use. Enemy characters are also under this dice mechanic.

Gameplay of Slice and Dice

Every time you start the game you are given 5 heroes from different classes that are also given specific colors to help differentiate them from each other. These colors also help identify which party members will be attacked by an enemy. Like any RPG all your party members start at their weakest form and by defeating enemies you’ll have a chance to either get to choose from two random items or choose to upgrade one of your party members.

Battles are initiated with dice rolls, and you can lock dice for certain characters and roll again to get better moves. Usually, you only have two additional rolls.

With the rogue-like elements, items and which hero to upgrade are almost random. You will be given a choice from two items or just get a random item within the same tier level. Some items are good, some items are very situational, and many have more downside than benefits. I really like getting cantrips and potions during my runs but that’s just me.

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Upgrading heroes is also another thing. When you are given a chance to upgrade heroes. You will only be given two choices. Even upgraded heroes have downsides to them, some heroes look good on paper but bad in battle, one instance is the Gambler who has a 50% chance of a normal attack and a 1/6 chance of a strong attack which is a low chance of getting. This weakness can be covered by items though which is nice. Most items give you the ability to add moves to your character or replace weaker moves.

One thing I think that can be improved upon is how heroes get upgraded. Due to the game being rogue-like, you also get random hero promotion with their hero class, The move set of all heroes are static making it a hard decision sometimes to discard a level 1 hero with great synergy to your current party for a level 2 hero with higher health but also more blank side on his die. I just hope that there was a way to inherit a single move from the previous hero.

Visual Style and Audio Design

Slice and dice have pixelated aesthetics that are suitable for the kind of game the developers are trying to present. Even with the pixelated art style, it is easy to read with some exceptions like the enemy indicator for attacking the grey hero.

Audio design is very practical. Most of the sounds are for attacks, blocking, dice rolls, and enemy deaths. I don’t recall any background music during the battle.


Even with a simple mechanic and art style, this game is very addicting. I would sometimes play this game and don’t notice I was playing for at least 3 hours. With every playthrough, you unlock more heroes that can used in every crawl session.

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How much is the game?

I am currently playing the free version, but I might buy the full version to support the developers and get more content.

The free version has 12 levels of the dungeon and not all the characters are immediately available. There is also less monster type and boss in your encounters

The full version is around 7$ with a longer dungeon and all heroes unlocked. What I love about this game is that there is no microtransaction, the free version is truly free while the paid version gives you more content. What’s not to like about this deal?

In conclusion, Slice and Dice is a good mobile game that can be played anywhere. Its creative use of mechanics is interesting and produces quite an addicting gameplay loop. Though the randomness and lack of control when leveling up members of your party can be frustrating, the rogue-like elements will draw you in, and try to figure out ways to minimize the effect of randomness during your dungeon crawl.

Available in Android, and Itch.io


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