
Battle of Polytopia Review: Civilization in 30 Turns

Battle of Polytopia is a mobile game available in the google play store. It is a turn-based strategy game that is influenced by civilization games and other 4x games.

The best way I could describe this is that it is a very streamlined version of a civilization game. You still build cities, armies and expand your borders but some more complex elements have been left out like culture, religion, and a more complex diplomacy system.


What I like about Polytopia

It is a civ game with just 30 turns to spare. As a mobile title, being played on the go is a great advantage for any player, limiting the turn to 30 means you get a dose of a civ game but not consume your whole not trying to find that elusive “one last turn before I sleep”. Your turn will only last for how many resources(stars) you have or for how many units that can still move.

Each tribe also starts with a different starting tech, though some tribes might start with the same tech due to having only 6 tier one techs in the tech tree. Tech upgrades are quite linear, and you don’t need to know the build order.

Each tribe is easy to identify due to their color scheme and distinctive style of sprites. One tribe has bears as their mount while others have zebras.

If 30 turns are too short for your taste you can try domination mode where the winning condition is, you just have to dominate the map and be the last tribe standing. It will not truly scratch that Civ6 itch but if you’re on the road, this is an alternative.

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There are no ads, you can play this game offline and with no ads or prompt to pay. You start with 4 free tribes and there are more than 20 tribes that can be unlocked for 1 dollar each, special tribes for 2 dollars to unlock. 

What I don’t like about Polytopia

Its simplicity is also its downfall. Due to having a streamlined tech tree, after turn 15 all tribes are homogenous to each other. 

Buildings and resources only function is to increase your population. Population is your true resource in this game, you can only succeed in this game if you’re the biggest tribe in terms of population. Trade is not existent, diplomacy is only limited to peace treaties, causing a rebellion and war.

The biome you’re going to play depends on which tribe you choose, though I kind of understand why they did this. As there is limited starting tech the biomes can help change a player’s playstyle.


For a mobile game this is quite fun to play even though it is a striped-down version of a 4X game. A really enjoyable time waster that will give you a 20-minute dose of civilization. It is also quite minimalist in design, so I understand if hardcore players won’t like this. With the popularity of always online games, having this game playable offline is such a fresh experience. Even their monetization isn’t in your face unlike most mobile games today.

As a side note, this game is also available on PC on Steam for 7USD with all the regular tribes available for play.


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