Tips and Tricks When Playing Abaddon – Dota 2

Abaddon is a very durable hero that can be played as an offlane or a position 5 healing support and if you are daring you can even play Abaddon as a position 1 hard carry. In this article, we will list some useful tidbits about Abaddon’s abilities.

Tips and tricks when playing Abaddon

  1. Mist coil will damage Abaddon every time you cast it, to nullify this damage you can use Aphotic shield on yourself to avoid the Mist coil damage.
  2. During the Borrowed Time duration, casting Mist Coil will heal Abaddon instead of hurting him.
  3. Aphotic Shield can block a set amount of damage(200 damage at max level) from any source of damage, this makes any hero you cast it on harder to burst. Laguna Blade, one of the highest burst skills in the game with 900 magical damage(without Aghanims’ Scepter) can be reduced to 400 – 300 damage when magic resistance is applied after the Aphotic Sheild damage reduction.
  4. Due to Aphotic Shield’s damage block Blink dagger, Bottle heal, Salves and Clarities will be not instantly broken or canceled.
  5. Curse of Avernus can be applied by your illusions.
  6. Curse of Avernus can be applied to buildings.
  7. Aphotic shield is strong disples which means they can dispel any disables like (leash, stuns, sleep, fear, and silence) on yourself or your ally.
  8. Borrowed Time is also a strong dispel, it will automatically activate if your health gets too low. You can also manually activate it and it will dispel stuns or disable your afflicted with.
  9. Debuff status Break will stop Borrowed time from auto-activating even if your health goes below the Borrowed time threshold. You can still manually activate it.
  10. Casting Aphotic shield on anyone who already has Aphotic shield casted on them will make the shield explode instantly regardless of how much time the buff has left.
  11. Casting Aphotic shield on lane creeps will help push the lane.
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abaddon dota

How to stop an enemy Abaddon?

  1. Buy Eul’s Scepter of Divinity and use it on the Abaddon whenever he uses Borrowed Time. It will waste 2.5 second of his ultimate.
  2. Aphotic Shield explosion won’t damage you if you are under the Fog of War.
  3. Veil of Discord deals 200 damage to all barrier/shield buffs. Guess the damage threshold of Aphotic Shield before it pops. It’s 200 damage.
  4. Shadow Demon’s Disruption can create illusions of an enemy Abaddon. These illusions can apply Curse of Avernus on Abaddon, his allies, and their buildings.
  5. Axe’s Culling Blade will insta-kill Abaddon without triggering Borrowed Time as long as Abaddon is within Culling Blade’s insta-kill threshold.
  6. Ancient Apparition’s Ice Blast will also not trigger Borrowed Time and kill Abaddon instantly if he is within Ice Blast kill Threshold.
  7. Doom’s Doom will stop Borrowed Time’s healing. Anyone of Abaddon’s ally that is Doom’d can’t be healed by Mist Coil.
  8. Heal reduction items like Shiva’s Guard and Spirit Vessel will also hurt Abaddon’s effectiveness in team fights.
  9. Burst damage that is above 500 damage will instakill Abaddon. Borrowed Time only activates if his HP goes below 400HP and it will not trigger if Abaddon’s HP instantly goes to 0. Ex. Phantom Assassin gets a crit for 1200 physical damage while Abaddon’s HP is 650, Abaddon’s gets one-shot and Borrowed Time won’t auto-trigger.

Recommended Items for Abaddon

Recommended Boots

Arcane Boots: Abaddon benefits from the mana provided by Arcane Boots, which allows him to use his abilities more frequently. This is for support Abaddon or if you just want to fix Abaddon’s mana issues

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Phase Boots: this is another good choice for Abaddon since he lacks mobility. It helps him run down to his enemy.

Good Aura type Offlane items

Vladmir’s Offering: Vlad’s is a fantastic team-oriented item for Abaddon. It provides lifesteal, bonus damage, and armor to your team, making your allies more durable and deadly in fights.

Aghanim’s Scepter: Aghs greatly enhances Abaddon’s ultimate, Borrowed Time. It allows him to apply Mist Coil to all allies around him when the ability is activated, making it a strong healing and dispelling tool.

Guardian Greaves: If your team needs more sustain and you have Arcane Boots, consider building Guardian Greaves. They provide an AoE heal and can dispel debuffs on activation.

Luxury/Carry Items (if playing Abaddon as a core)

Radiance: If you’re playing Abaddon as a carry, Radiance can provide significant damage over time in team fights and help with farming.

Satanic: Satanic offers lifesteal, strength, and an active ability that can keep you alive during intense battles.

Assault Cuirass: Assault Cuirass provides attack speed, armor, and an attack speed aura. It’s a great item if you need to boost your team’s overall physical damage output.

Heart of Tarrasque: Heart of Tarrasque grants a massive amount of health regeneration and can make you extremely difficult to kill.


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