
Disabling High Precision Event Timer(HPET) in Windows 10/11

Disabling High Precision Event Timer(HPET) in Windows 10/11

The High Precision Event Timer (HPET) is a hardware timer in modern computer systems. It is designed to provide a high-resolution timekeeping mechanism for the operating system and applications. The primary purpose of the HPET is to improve the accuracy and precision of time-related functions, especially in tasks such as measuring time intervals, scheduling events,…

Your Wi-Fi Works but Windows says “No Internet” – Ways to Fix it

Your Wi-Fi Works but Windows says “No Internet” – Ways to Fix it

I was having some issues with Windows thinking I have “no internet” when I can use my wifi connection. Though generally not a problem but some programs won’t work because of the “no internet” status. Some fixes helped me resolve it. Fixing the “no internet” notification Turn off your VPN It might be just your…

How to Fix Delayed Audio from Bluetooth Devices in Windows 10/11?

How to Fix Delayed Audio from Bluetooth Devices in Windows 10/11?

In this article, we will show you a simple fix for delayed audio in your Bluetooth headphones or speakers when connected to Windows 10 or Windows 11. Turning off the Audio Enhancements Audio enhancements on your audio would sometimes cause a delayed output of audio due to the process needed to enhance to sound. Turning…

What is Fast Startup? [Windows 10]

What is Fast Startup? [Windows 10]

Some of you might have heard about the new “fast startup” feature for windows 10 and 11(originally introduced with Windows 8). Also available for windows 7/8/8.1 using third-party software like “ultra-fast shutdown.” What is a Fast Startup? Microsoft updated and renamed the default shutdown procedure in Windows 8, calling it Fast Startup. It begins with…