buyer’s guide

8Bitdo SN30 Pro Controller Review: Modern Controller, Retro Style

8Bitdo SN30 Pro Controller Review: Modern Controller, Retro Style

The 8Bitdo SN30 Pro controller is an SNES inspired controller that uses a nostalgic design and a copy of the controller of the 90’s super popular SNES. It remains true to the SNES controller design with the only deviation the updated button setup and added triggers to be compatible with today’s gaming standard. 8Bitdo SN30…

8Bitdo Pro 2 Controller Review: Great Retro Style Controller for the Modern Gamer

8Bitdo Pro 2 Controller Review: Great Retro Style Controller for the Modern Gamer

The 8Bitdo Pro 2 controller is an SNES-inspired controller that uses the nostalgic design of the SNES controller while adapting it for modern times. It has an ergonomic shape, dual stick, compatibility with various systems, vibration, and other features a typical controller has today. 8Bitdo Pro 2 Design and Features The first thing you notice…

left hand mouse
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Best Left-Handed Gaming Mouse

Best Left-Handed Gaming Mouse While most gamers are right-handed, there is still a significant need for affordable, high-performing, high-quality left-handed gaming mice. According to experts, approximately 12 percent of the global population is left-handed. 12% may not seem like a significant figure, but it indicates that millions of people continue to struggle with right-handed equipment….

A Quick Guide into HDMI vs DisplayPort
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A Quick Guide into HDMI vs DisplayPort

HDMI vs DisplayPort: Whether you have a new computer, or you’re just trying to understand the details of your current computer, it’s important to know what ports you have available and what they do. One common question is: “What’s the difference between HDMI and DisplayPort?” We’ll help you figure that out. What Is HDMI? HDMI…

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Which Motherboard Form Factor Should You Buy? ATX, Micro ATX, Mini ITX

Motherboards are one of the most important pieces of hardware in a computer. They allow you to connect your graphics card, CPU, and other peripherals and make your computer work as a single unit. You need a motherboard that is the same size as your graphics card to get the best performance. There are three…